About Dr. Brandi Holmes NMD 

Welcome! My name is Dr. B and my goal is to show you how utilizing a holistic approach can help improve your health and physical performance. I received my undergraduate degrees in Kinesiology and Cellular and Molecular Biology at San Diego State University in San Diego California. While in school, I worked at a physical therapy clinic where I spent 5 years learning how to implement and utilize several rehabilitative interventions including aquatic therapy, Pilates, electrotherapeutic devices, and functional movement assessments. 

I earned a doctorate of naturopathic medicine at Bastyr University California in San Diego.  Bastyr expanded my thought process on different approaches to assessing patients and treatment of medical conditions by advocating for whole body medicine and the utilization of natural and least invasive treatments. I studied and applied different forms of therapies including herbal medicine, nutrient supplemental, nutrition, pharmaceuticals and more. I’ve acquired additional physical medicine skills in soft tissue manipulation, therapeutic exercise, and electrotherapy treatments. Through out my time a BUC, my love for sports medicine continued to grow, but I soon realized there was more to improving performance than just rehabilitation. Science has shown that the musculoskeletal system is influenced, and interacts with all of our body’s organ systems. This is why I believe it is important to assess the functionality and performance of multiple if not all organ systems to promote and enhance health optimization and whole body health. 

Additional Courses or Certifications in:

    • IV Therapy: Dr. Schwaiger
    • Kinesiotapping: Dr. Nguyen
    • Applied Kinesiology: Dr. McCall
    • Trigger Point Therapy and Musculoskeletal Mastery: Dr. Sean Hesler
    • Perineural Injections: Dr. Sean Hesler
    • Craniosacral Therapy: Dr. Einat
    • Visceral Therapy: Dr. Yasuda
    • Nutrition: NASM
    • Holy Fire Reiki: USUI
    • Sleep Conditions and Treatment: Dr. Catherine Darley
    • Alzheimer’s Natural Intervention: Dr. Laurie Mischley
    • FirstLine Therapy with Metagenics


Pillars of Holistic Performance Medicine


With optimizing performance in mind, a holistic performance medicine doctor utilizes three pillars to help the client achieve their goals. Regenerate, Rehabilitate, and Prevention of their concerns, as well as other possible causations contributing to throwing the body out of balance.


It is important to repair the cellular and tissue integrity in order for the body to function properly. This can be achieved with diet, nutritive therapy, herbs, injections, sleep assessment and more.


Once the integrity of the tissues are repaired, the next step is to rehabilitate, tonify, and/or strengthen the target area and surrounding tissues. There’s many different ways to approach this including exercise and physical medicine.


Lastly, in order to maintain normal function of the tissue, it is important to adopt habits to prevent the injury from happening again. This can be done by lifestyle assessment, diet, exercise, herbs, supplements, and so on.             


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